
June 15 

This Meeting was recorded for Accuracy

Meeting was opened by Brittany Miller, President at 7:04 PM

PresentBrittany Miller, Brittany Hughes, Ron Betts, Everett Saxton, Mellissa Miller, Jessica Betts

Absent: none

Public Attendance:  no one

Approval of May meeting minutes.

After review motion was made to approve May minutes by Jessica, 2nd by Ron, all in favor motion passed.

Approval of treasurer report for May

Brittany Hughes said the report makes more sense now seeing it on paper rather than looking at it on her phone.  Pat reviewed the report and explained again what funds we have and where it all goes.   Pat said we now have every event covered now.  Mellissa said Pat has to have a paper trail per the auditors, that is why Pat has the funds coming and going throughout the report.  Brittany Miller now knows how much we have a little better.  Brittany H asked what the $12,000 is for. Pat said that is all the money what is covering events.  Pat also submitted the profit and loss report so far for the year.  Brittany M wanted to know how much we made this past concert.  Pat read off the amounts. 

Mellissa motions to approve Treasurer report, 2nd by Jessica, all in favor motion passed.  No one opposed

Old Business

Update on speaker system.

Pat said we need to make a decision on this tonight,.  Jessica said John Kovac said there is no money for the Legion to buy the speakers.  Mellissa said John told her that he would try.  Pat and Jessica said that John told them that he was going to try to find a cheaper system to buy.  Pat said John has no idea what type of system we currently have and for us to broadcast across the park we need to have a system to do that.  Mellissa said she doesn't care what he buys as long as it works.  Ron spoke up and said John said (a) speaker so that the Legion and us could both use it.  Ron said the Legion is going to want to keep it there.  Mellissa said what is the difference, we will only use it once a year, that is my problem.

Ron said we use it more than once a month.  Continued discussion was made on the purchase.  Mellissa said she is not against purchasing it, but it seems it is a lot of money to only use a couple times a year. 

Jessica said Brickfest is a major time frame for usage.  People complain all the time that they cannot hear when an event is going on.  We cannot continue to use a band system for announcements and the band is not here in when we do the games or are too far away from the games for announcements. 

Brittany Miller asked if we could go more locally in case the system will break.  Pat said if a local company is an authorized dealer for a particular brand they can fix the system.  It does not have to mail out.   Pat said it also comes with a MFG warranty. 

Mellissa M, said we need to vote on it so we don't have to continue discussing this every month

Mellissa motions to purchase speakers, 2nd by Ron, all in favor motion passed.

Update on car show plaques and trophies for tractor pull.

Pat said she talked to Mr. Kugot on the trophies.  He said if he put little tractors on the trophies it would run $15 each.  If he put a photo of a tractor on the plaques with their age group he can do for $7.00 each  Age groups are as follows.  3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10. 1st and 2nd place trophies.   He said Blue tractors for 1st place and red tractors for 2nd place.  Total for plaques are $56

The car dash plaques  (50) $72.50 the 5x7 best of show $9.95 and the 4 1st place 4 x6 plaques will be $27.80  He will have them set up for after the 4th of July since he will be out of town until then. 

Mellissa stated that last year Aaron went to Unity Printing and it cost us over $500 for just the trophies.  I sent Mr. Kugot samples of what was done in the past as an example. 

Replacement band for Brickfest. 

Pat said she received the information on the band "Milestone." Mellissa said they are $500. They are very excited about coming. 

Update on petting zoo.   

Mellissa said they are not booking for the summer.  Pat gave Mellissa flyer on pony rides from Ligonier.  Mellissa said she would see what she could do.

New Business:

Basket Party ticket sales for Brickfest

Mellissa said she has already been contacted by people who wish to donate baskets.

Pat sais she has 1 pack of (500) tickets made up now and has additional (500) tickets if needed.  Last year we did over 700 tickets and ended up being different packs of numbers.  This year we got 2 packs running together so we have no problems.   Mellissa said she has the list of people who donate from last year that was given to her by Pat.    Last year we had over 150 baskets.  Hoping this year we do the same. 

Letters of request have gone out to Fort Ligonier, YMCA, Texas Roadhouse for donations already.

Jessica said she is picking up tickets for SKY ZONE.    Pat to get a copy of the donation letter for the businesses from Mellissa. 

The walkie Talkies getting ready for use for Brickfest

Ron JR is working on them.  There are two from the Borough that will not work because they are police radios.  He turned them on and got a response so he turned them back off again. 

Need to line up people for dunking booth and operation of events

Pat gave everyone a copy of list of events that we need volunteers for. 

Brittany Miller asked who won the car show last year.  She was handing out flyers to an older gentleman who goes to car shows and he was upset with the show last year.  He watched a gentlemen turn in multiple ballots with his information on it.  Pat immediately said that person got rejected.  You could tell it was all the same hand writing.    He was disqualified.    Everett said they were all the same. 

Pat said this year is going to be different.  Each class is a different color and they need to complete at the table and leave.  They cannot take them with them and bring back. 

Any other Business?

Mellissa brought up the side by side for transportation for the elderly.  We need to line up several for this.

Jessica said Jim Bechtold said he would do, and she is to ask her friend George also who has a side by side.  Pat to ask Thumper, and Greg also.   

Mellissa said that IRMC does not own the Medical Center nor parking lot. It is owned by a group of Bolivar residents.  We would need to write a letter to their board members for use.   We could use the Borough building as a pickup spot.  We could use the Legion area also. 

Other business.

Brittany M. has a contact for another event.  Balloon bubble lady for $175.00 for 1 hour.  This is a show for the kids.  She would need a flat spot.  Brittany H said she and her husband would donate the cost for Brickfest.  What time would be good for it.  Pat said we had the petting zoo from 12 to 2.  Since we are not having the petting zoo we could do her from 12:30 to 1:30.  or 1:00 to 2PM 

Brittany M.  was cleaning up the benches which takes about a hour for 1 bench.  The pharmacy just recently got theirs done and she contacted the company that did the pharmacy.  We have 50 benches and the stage and since we are non profit they would do it for $500 rather than $1000.  She would get a group of people up there to stain them.   Brittany said she contacted Aaron to see if the fire company would let them use the water from there to fill up the truck.  He could get us in the middle of July possibly July 12th.

Mellissa motions to get the power washer, 2nd by Jessica to pay for the power washing.  Ron has a 5 gallon can of stain for the benches already.   

Brittany has put Myers on the project of looking for a cost of benches.  People are asking for benches to put up there.  Trex is wanting $350 and a lot of people cannot afford that cost. 

Dairy Queen is asking $9 for 6 (Dilly Bars).  We need to order a minimum of 10 boxes.   They are $1.20 each and we can sell for $2.   How many do you all want me to get.  Everett suggested getting 120.

Brittany also said about the picnic tables.  They could be power washed down and re painted.

The table at the lower park needs to be trashed. If we have to get a new one every year so be it.  The table down there cannot be fixed. 

Her other thing to work on, around the ball field at the upper park we need to put a sidewalk up at the park.  Her dad said he would pour the sidewalk.  We would need 4 yards and would require the big truck to come in to pour.   In the mean time we could replace the concrete basket ball court up there.  It needs replaced also.  Brittany's dad does not like to finish concrete so he would need to find someone to finish it.  Pat suggested to ask Everett. He does concrete finishing work.  Brittany to have Paul measure how much concrete we need.  Possible $900 but not sure. 

Brittany also thinking about a large fund raiser around October or November.  Possible a gun bash.  Mellissa was speaking to Tony from Post Office.  He said he could help sell tickets for this.  We could not do at the Legion because it is not large enough.  Better to do on a Sunday and not a Saturday.  People will come.    Make sure if you do it offer money if they do not want a gun.  The money would be less than the gun.   

Mellissa to check with VFW, Robinson to hold gun bash over there. 

Brittany H motions for gun bash, Jessica 2nds.  All in favor motion passed. 

Pat got a text message from the M & J Carnival games yesterday from the husband.  He said they are not coming now.  His wife failed to check with him and he already had another gig to go that same day.  They are no longer coming now. 

Pat also brought up a question concerning getting a bank card for Parks.  When we do purchases on line we have to use our personal debit card to pay because the site does not do direct debit to bank and always want a bank card.   Brittany M said to check with bank to get debit card issued so we can purchase things on line.    Pat to contact Wendy at Resort Plaza to order cards.

No other business to discuss,

Ron motions to adjourn, Mellissa 2nd motion to close at 8:20 PM


Patricia Betts
