April 18 2024

This Meeting was recorded for Accuracy

Meeting was opened by Brittany Miller, President at 7:03 PM

Present:  Brittany Miller, Melissa Miller, Jessica Betts, Brittany Hughes, Ron Betts

Absent:   Everett Saxton, Larry Lute

Public Attendance:  Sue Bartow and Alyssa Cameron, Jeffery Miller

Approval of March meeting minutes.

Motion made to approve March minutes made by Jessica, 2nd by Brittany Miller, All in favor, motion passed.

Approval of treasurer report for March and part of April

Brittany asked what the bottom line was.  Pat said as of today the check book has $6,995.01 and project fund has $27,407.24.  Pat said funds not assigned to anything yet total $14,773.48, upper park fund $3,288.00, lower park $3,913.76,  events $5,416.00, pizza coupons $66.00, Bench $200.00, J LaMantia $150.00.  Combined totals are $38,677.25.

Brittany wanted a list of all the sponsors who donated this year so the sign can be made.  Mellissa said it is already on the report. 

Motion made by Mellissa to accept treasurer report, 2nd by Jessica, all in favor motion passed. 

Public speaking: 

Sue said she has a copy of the council minutes and wanted to let everyone know that Keith said to hand over to parks the letter from Citizens Ambulance asking for a donation.  Sue said she jokingly made the comment along with Keith to have parks pay for the donation request.  Sue said she did not initiate the comment.  John offered to do a ticket for the ambulance service. 

Sue also commented to Mellissa that we were going to try to get a sidewalk grant to fix the sidewalks. 

Brittany H said she knew of a grant to fix the roads but nothing about the sidewalks.

Also Sue said that John Kovac was willing to cut down the trees at the lower park. Mellissa said you just can't have someone randomly cut down the trees.  They have to have liability insurance.  If something happened then the Borough will be liable for it. 

Old Business

Update on any grants:

Mellissa asked Brittany if she heard from Keith Vasas yet to help with the grants.  Brittany said nothing yet.   Still have Robert Shaw and Erie Ins grants outstanding. 

Update on Sponsor  letters

Pat said haven't received any more in. 

Update on Vendor letters for Brickfest

Pat said no others received as of yet.

 Jessica said she has handed out several already.

 Brittany asked to have one emailed so she can post on Facebook as well. 

Pat asked Brittany H about the chip guy for Brickfest. 

Brittany said she has to reapply because they wanted the forms sent separate. 

Pat said she has received a photo from the Steelers, and also 2 tickets from Urban Air.

Brittany H said she also got a gift certificate for 4 people to the 2024 football game from the Pitt Ticket office.

Update on the Basketball court and brick delivery

The bricks are supposed to be shipped out as of the 2nd of May.  Wagner's going to pour the concrete Saturday.  The bricks will still be put into concrete around the court.  Pat asked if they were going to fix the bank at the park because of them tearing up the hillside. Brittany said yes they will fix the bank as well.

Update on 2nd set of steps at upper park.

Wagner's  also are going to do the steps when they do the bricks.  

Update on Bannister for steps

Pat asked if Parrish is going to do the banister.  Brittany said not sure yet. 

Update on flag light at park.

Mellissa said Jeffery thinks the light is a bad light.

 Jeffery said he already put several light bulbs in it.  He thinks it is the fixture.  Pat suggested to turn it around and use the other side.

Update on cow plop ticket sales

Pat gave a list of 27 tickets from Sara.  Pat has the money.   Jessica said she has a couple left to sell.  Pat said she still has 7 left.  Mellissa asked about Sandy.  Pat said she has no idea.  Mellissa said she has like 20 some to sell. 

Any other old business to discuss.

New Business:

 Book sales

Mellissa said the Sesquicentennial books were sold for $15 ten years ago.  If we get up to 50 people to pre order we can sell for $40  The book is now $33 from the book company.  The books can be picked up at Brickfest.  Pat got the book and showed to Brittany Miller who has never seen the book before. 

We also talked about the sign for Burkey Park. The correct spelling is Berkey Park.  We should try to get it corrected.  We also should look into a Welcome to Bolivar sign. 

Mellissa motions to pre sell only up to 50 people the book at a cost of $40, 2nd by Jessica, all in favor motion passed. 

Plaque for Andy Pahach to be ordered and made.

Pat asked if the plaque could be mounted and placed at the bottom of the hillside.  Discussion was made on different places to put the plaque.  Do the base part as brick and do the plaque as bronze. 

Maintenance for park shrubs by stage area.

Brittany said she saw Art and Carol up there the other day working a little on it.  Who can we get to maintain the park shrubs.  Will look further into it. 

Any other Business?

Ornaments.  Mellissa suggested we should sell ornaments yearly with a photo of the past or present photos of the town.  We can pre order until end of October and delivered in November for Christmas.  The first ornament can be of the old Bolivar High School.  We can start selling at Brickfest.  Do pre-order only.  Motion made to do ornament made by Jessica, 2nd by Brittany H.  Cost would be roughly $10 to $15

Nothing else to discuss, motion to adjourn made by Mellissa, 2nd by Jess.  All in favor motion passed at 7:55 PM


Patricia Betts
